
Awesome Recording Studios

Our mentor, Jacob, gave us a trip to "CCRMA". It's a department which combined Engineering and Music.
There are lots of recording studios, speaker, instruments, Macs, projectors, etc.


the department
a large mixer
speakers everywhere
there are 24 speakers in this room (it means that there are 24 sound tracks...)


Raining Day

I though that there is no rain during the summer here. However, it rained this afternoon.


I went jogging!

Stanford Libraries

Stanford has lots of libraries. It's impossible to find a specific book there. Therefore, we should always search the book on the web of the library beforehand and record its number.


The Tajmahal Tea

My Indian roommate, Adeesh, made a cup of Tajmahal Tea this morning. The tea was great :)


Scavenger Hunt in San Francisco

We have a Scavenger Hunt in San Francisco.

We did lots of crazy things today.

Kissing a cat.

Chopsticks smoking.

We rode carousel.